Introducing this Fokus Siber Media Network to Build Your Foothold in Indonesia

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Minggu, 26 Februari 2023 - 04:29 WIB

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Illustration: A user browses on mobile device for digital contents. Media releases are accessible to reach out to users. (

Illustration: A user browses on mobile device for digital contents. Media releases are accessible to reach out to users. (

EKONOMINEWS.COM –  Engaging local media company as single partner or holding with national coverage can be an effective way to reach a wider audience with your press releases.

These media companies have a local focus but also have a national presence, which means they can provide valuable coverage that extends beyond your immediate area.

Here is the existence of Fokus Siber Media Network (FSMN) which can facilitate the executions for brand or personal entity.

The network has been expanding the cyber news endeavour with a number of websites and their march towards big vision are visible with the long list here.

As to go with the new media approach, here are some key considerations to keep in mind when engaging local media companies with national coverage for your press releases.

Identify relevant media companies

The first step in engaging local media companies with national coverage is to identify those that are relevant to your industry or topic.

Look for media outlets that cover your industry or topic, have a wide audience, and have a presence in both local and national markets.

You can start by researching online or by asking for recommendations from your colleagues and business partners.

Build relationships

Once you have identified relevant media companies, the next step is to build relationships with them. This involves reaching out to their editorial teams, introducing yourself, and sharing your press releases.

You can also invite them to your events or send them samples of your products or services to review.

Craft compelling press releases: The key to engaging local media companies with national coverage is to craft compelling press releases that grab their attention.

Your press releases should be newsworthy, informative, and engaging.

Make sure to highlight the most important information in the first paragraph and keep your press releases concise and easy to read.

Tailor your press releases

It is important to tailor your press releases to the specific media companies you are targeting.

This means understanding their audience, their interests, and their editorial policies.

By tailoring your press releases to each media company, you can increase the chances of getting coverage and make sure your message resonates with their audience.

After 19 mendukung program publikasi press release di media khusus ekonomi & bisnis untuk memulihankan citra yang kurang baik ataupun untuk meningkatan reputasi para pebisnis/entrepreneur, korporasi, institusi ataupun merek/brand produk.

Use multimedia elements: Using multimedia elements such as photos, videos, and infographics can help your press releases stand out and increase engagement.

Make sure to use high-quality visuals that are relevant to your press release and that can help illustrate your message.

They show significant importance to keep range of interest of the audience.

Engaging local media companies with national coverage can provide a range of benefits for your business or organization.

Here are some of the key benefits you can expect:

Increased reach

By engaging local media companies with national coverage, you can extend the reach of your press releases beyond your immediate area.

This means that more people will see your message and that you can potentially reach new customers or clients.


Local media companies with national coverage are often well-respected and have a reputation for providing high-quality content.

By getting coverage from these media companies, you can boost your own credibility and build trust with your audience.

SEO benefits

Getting coverage from local media companies with national coverage can also provide SEO benefits.

This is because media outlets often have medium to high domain authority, which means that backlinks to your website can help boost your search engine rankings.


Engaging local media companies with national coverage can be a cost-effective way to get your message out to existing, or a wider audience as the news is spread across diverse media.

Overall, engaging local media companies with national coverage can be an effective way to increase the reach and credibility of your press releases.

By following the key considerations outlined

Portal berita ini menerima konten video dengan durasi maksimal 30 detik (ukuran dan format video untuk plaftform Youtube atau Dailymotion) dengan teks narasi maksimal 15 paragraf. Kirim lewat WA Center: 085315557788.

However, it does not mean the benefits are up for grab in one-go, they are dynamic either elevating or diminishing one factor to another factor.

Peluang bagi aktivis pers pelajar, pers mahasiswa, dan muda/mudi untuk dilatih menulis berita secara online, dan praktek liputan langsung menjadi jurnalis muda di media ini. Kirim CV dan karya tulis, ke WA Center: 087815557788.

Fokus Siber Media Network has been actively participating in making itself to be able to cater to diverse clients.

Their news outlets cover general and specific coverages in addition to local and national essences. Therefore, collaboration is key to address specific issue in the process.

For further information, please contact: Tandil Widjaya (, +62 815-8200-063.***

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